Guda = Fire
Project Partner The Traditional Knowledge Recording Project (TKRP)
My Role Illustration and Layout
Objective To create an educational learning resource that includes a storybook and various other work materials.
Indigenous culture fundamentally values our most important resource, the environment. This kit aims to teach students that respecting the land is a notion that is of key significance to ‘all’ Australians. By looking at our current environmental situation from an Indigenous perspective, the book also aims to create a further understanding between Indigenous and non-indigenous people, and highlight the significant contribution that is being made by groups such as TKRP.
The storybook has been designed to highlight key viewpoints that are embodied in the Kuku-Thaypan belief system. The illustrations highlight a strong connection between all living things. Leaves and grasses have been used to depict insects, birds and animals. Without the land these creatures would not exist. All the grass and leaves in the book are collected from the region.
The kit includes an audio recording from Kuku-Thaypan country. The component is an important learning resource as it serves as a focal point to discuss different learning methods allowing the students to be exposed first hand to the methods used to pass knowledge on, story and song. Inspire student learning and enhance their imagination through the sound of ‘country’.